Today my 2nd Graders brought in traps they made at home! We had other classrooms come and view them! THEY WERE SO PROUD TO SHOW THEIR CREATIVITY AND ENGINEERING SKILLS!!
Yesterday my 2nd Graders and I did a listen and draw form of prayer. I shut off the lights and played Above All. I had them get their white boards, get comfortable and draw what the Holy Spirit was inspiring and evoking them to see in their imaginations. I too drew. But beyond the powerful images stirred in my head from the song's lyrics, was the passion and love I was witnessing as my 2nd graders, through the Holy Spirit drew innocent and precious illustrations of Above All....God's love above all!
Today a group of high school students came to our school to volunteer! They spent 45 minutes with us-back in 2nd Grade!! Four of them were my former students. We played card games, did an art project, and/or read with them! WOW, did they grow!!