Always shine by using all your talents and skills!

Monday, December 10, 2012

My Christmas Gift to Fellow Teachers!

WOW!!!  It's a beautiful white morning here in Pulaski, WI!  We got around 4 inches of here to stay snow!  Definitely a morning to exercise patience and hold on tight driving skills!

I finished my gift for my fellow teachers!  I decided to make them a GET OUT OF FREE RECESS DUTY card!  Here it is:  Click here

Who wouldn't want an extra 15 minutes right?????   We all have recess duty one time a week, so I figured an extra 15 minutes was as good as a fresh cup of steaming Java on a Monday morning!

I did have to add a clause!  They have to redeem in the spring time-I have been "blessed" with Raynauds in my hands and feet.  If you have never heard of Raynauds, lets just say you quickly lose the feelings in your extremities and they turn a ghostly white quickly.  As the circulation returns your hands then go through great pain as the bloods flows to "revive" your extremities!

Ok, enough about my digits and toes, have a wonderful Monday!

The view outside our west windows!


Barbara said...

WoW - the gift of time, a treasured gift indeed. I'll bet they are so touched and grateful.

I'm thankful to you for sharing that fun idea and your breathtaking picture with us.


Room 214-Ms. Wenzel's Blog said...

Thank you, Barbara. :)

Amanda said...

Great idea for your colleagues! I'm sure my teammates would love that gift as well! Thanks for sharing you picture; looking forward to the beauty but not driving in it.


Room 214-Ms. Wenzel's Blog said...

You're welcome! SMILES!