GUESS WHAT...any guesses. WELL, almost 100 followers! What a sweet summer gift it would be to reach 100 by August (hint...if you would like to pass my Blog name to someone).
It has been over 3 years since I have had my website. Today, I am updating it. Ladies, I need your help. Will you please check it out and send me comments, feedback, tips, and/or ideas! I'd love to have your suggestions! Please help me keep it fresh, helpful, appealing, and easy to navigate!
My School Website!
I'm really enjoying your blog and hope you'll keep it up! I was equally impressed with your web site. All the little flowers are a little overstimulating, but you have lots of newsy and necessary links. Looks live you've put a lot of work into your website and hopefully parents are using and appreciating it. Do you get any feedback from them about the site?
HELLO! Thank you for your comments :)
Yes, they have been supportive and 1/4 of them use it weekly throughout the school year. SMILES@
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