WOOT...My students and I get to use Samsung Chromebooks for summer school. Have you ever used this shiny devices? Your pros and cons?
Pros: light, finger friendly keys, healthy screen size, use Google Docs and Gmail without any headaches
Cons: Microsoft Office Suite is not installed, cannot make Skype calls, no direct printer, some students wanted to use a mouse because they found the thumb pad was challenging for their motor skills
I think our school is getting these bad boys this year, but only 2nd and up. I have heard that teachers will be getting one. Not sure how I feel about it yet. Do you like them?
I do not like the fact that many programs I use on my pc and laptop are not on the Chromebooks-Microsoft office suite, etc. I also don't like that printing from these is very challenging (unless IT dept. takes on the task to set up a printer.)
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