Always shine by using all your talents and skills!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Golden Apple Award's Night


Last night I attended the Golden Apple Awards in Green Bay which recognizes 5 teachers as Golden Apple Winners
and 40 Teachers of Distinction.  I was nominated and was awarded a Teacher of Distinction.  I am blessed to serve everyday with the staff I teach with and am humbled!  I wish my whole team could have been there with me.

I am in red!  My administrator is in the middle and a friend/teacher is on the left.

Friday, April 10, 2015



Today was definitely a Friday!! Lots of energy in the classroom air.

Today we used a sugar cube and a soup...bouillan cube to demonstrate weathering.  We compared these two cubes to rock formations and discussed what water and wind would do to these two rock structures in the world.
We learned that the sugar cube weathered-dissolved quicker under the presence of the wind-our breath and water-from eye dropper.  We also had discussions of the sugar crystals in comparison to the soup cube particles.
We finally had discussion of slow and fast changes on Earth's surface.

click here


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Alleluia! He is Risen!

Alleluia!  He is risen; he is risen indeed!  Today we did one of my favorite poems and transformed it into a prayer.  The Jelly Bean Poem is a great visual to represent the significance of our almighty Savior and King...our Resurrected Prince of Peace!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Prayer Journal


Happy April Fool's Day!

Since the beginning of the year my 2nd Graders and I have been writing a prayer in our prayer journal.  I have had many types of prayers included in our journal:  prayers for our Earth, service ladies/men, community, President, children, and recently for those who do not know Jesus.

Here is one student's prayer!

Sorry that they are rotated.
Ms. Wenzel
