Always shine by using all your talents and skills!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Take 1, 2, Final Wrap!!

Happy Tuesday!

My Multi-agers are all about ACTING!  Man, if I could only send them all to Hollywood!   Each Friday, we read 2-3 poems.  We highlight parts of speech, text features, lines, stanzas, etc.  We also rank the poems and finally organize production groups and act out the poem.  A few pictures follow:


Monday, November 25, 2013

Little Notes!

Little Notes...say and mean so much!!!!!!!!!


Friday, November 15, 2013

50's Day Party-Let's Rock!!!

Hello!  It's the 50th Day of school and we are celebrating by having a 50's flashback!  Phones, clothes, cars, gum, dancing, and language oh my!!

We started by drawing a picture of what we would look like when we are 50.   Of course, they did need to write what would happen too!  One wrote he "would be 50 and retire another student wrote she "would be fifty and have a wrinkle or two."

Next, the good ole tacky pink bubble gum-you got it right a bubble blowing contest.  Remember a double bubble!  A student ran to get a ruler so we could measure the distance traveled out of our mouths :-)

Then Hand Jive, Twist, Hulla Hooping, and Limbo time!  How low can you go!  Born to Hand Jive, Baby!!!

Finally, Coke Floats.  Does icecream float or sink?  Try it and find out!!!

Rockin smiles,

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Rock, Minerals, and Gems Oh My!!!

Happy Sunday!  We are now in the 2nd Quarter.  It's hard to believe....

We are now two weeks into our Rocks and Minerals Kit.  On Friday we compared and contrasted 12 rocks with 3 minerals.  We asked: is this mineral in all the rocks or just one?  What rock has all three minerals?  What are the properties of minerals?  How are rocks and minerals different?  They were awed by the Quartz-"This looks like a Diamond."  

We have 9 more minerals to be introduced to and learn about.  They are going to be Rock Stars!

Rocky smiles,

Monday, November 4, 2013

The View Out My Classroom Window

November 4th; right!!!

I wanted to share with you the beautiful view I have out my west classroom window.

Fall smiles,