Always shine by using all your talents and skills!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


HELLO!  I need to spread the warm's in the 70's in Wisconsin and it's May 8th!  How does that happen?  Well...wish I had that magic, because tomorrow it is dropping back down to the 50's!

The past two weeks our school has been preparing for tomorrow  night's spring concert at 6:00 P.M.  Blogger friends-you are all invited!!!

My performers are Heading West-perfect-they can use their Colonial clothes that we used for our Time Fair for their performances!  Today we had dress rehearsal- a disclaimer- I am going to brag- THEY WERE FANTASTIC!! So proud of them!  To be able to memorize and perform their songs for their parts in a couple weeks is phenomenal!  Just a pat a the back for what the arts and music does to maximize a student's learning potential and achievement!


My Multi-age students


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