Always shine by using all your talents and skills!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Three Big C's-Cans, Coins, Clothes

Happy Saturday!!!  It is a bright one here- but chilly!!!

This past week my Multi-agers have been working very hard to get ready for our Community Presentation on Wednesday!  On Wednesday my students need to teach the rest of the school the word of the month-Community!  We decided to do a skit, make posters, and do a movie!  Little did I know that I would have such a wealth of talent- I have 9 Hollywood actresses and 8 actors!  We thought it would be a fantastic idea to help our community and show community by collecting the three Big C's-Cans, Coins, and Clothes!  From there we decided to videotape and demonstrate how to collect each one.  We had two students taped putting coins in their Noah Buddy (goes to the Church), and two students putting clothes in the St. Vincent DePaul box.  Finally we taped us putting coins in a shopping cart which holds the food for our local food pantry!  I allowed students to do the taping-they were so proud to film!
When we got back to the classroom we added the title and credits!!!!!  Of course, they wanted to watch the movie repetitively!
Have you made movies yet?  If so, please share what the topic was and the results!


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