Always shine by using all your talents and skills!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dear Village President,

Hello!  Ok...I need to give a shout out our weather.  IT'S 61 degrees on Nov. 11th!  Tomorrow I will probably give a shout out to today again because tomorrow is supposed to be 30 and snowing!  Yes, I live in Wisconsin; how did you know?  We never get bored here- the weather keeps us busy!

Next, Happy Veteran's Day!  I'm amazed at the sacrifices they have made in the past, today, and will make in the future!  They honor our flag, defend our freedom, and put I behind you and me!  I salute you!

Now, reflecting on a writing activity my Multi-agers did on Thursday and Friday (and some are still illustrating).  We wrote our first persuasive writing piece.  We wrote to our Village President to propose an idea for a lot of green space across from our school.  Last year we had a horrible fire in our village and it destroyed the building that was across from our school.  Now, the lot is busy with grass!  We want it busy with a bowling alley, a pool, a mall, salon, amusement park, etc.  (just a few of our ideas).

I was impressed by their clever suggestions and the reasons why the Village President should choose their idea. (we discussed at length how one needs to support their proposal with reasons, facts, figures, etc.)

Now, we just need to send them!  I am hoping he will respond to our proposals!  Definitely purposeful and authentic writing!  (two samples...they are illustrating their proposals on separate paper)

1st sample

2nd sample


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